Macs Fan Control

V 1.5.16


Macs Fan Control is a utility app that can monitor and control the fan speed of your Mac. With this tool you can fine tune your Mac’s cooling fans during heavy workloads, potentially boosting performance and stability. 

But does it live up to the hype? Join me as I take a closer look at Macs Fan Control to see just how effective it can be.

User Interface

Despite being a utility app, Macs Fan Control has a user-friendly interface that is easy to understand and navigate. 

The first pane of Macs Fan Control is dedicated to viewing all your fans and their running speed. It also has a control section that allows users to create custom fan curves. Meanwhile, the second pane shows the temperature of your thermal sensors. 

Adjusting the fan speed can be done by clicking the “Custom” button next to the fan you want to control and the fan control panel should pop up. 

From the control panel, users can set the fan speed manually, let their Mac’s sensors adjust the fan speed, or use the default fan curve set by Apple. 


  • Custom Fan Curves – users can create custom fan curves to set how each fan on their Mac behaves at different temperatures. You can adjust them to run slower at idle for quieter operation and provide more airflow during heavier workloads for better cooling. 
  • Temperature Monitoring – another feature of Macs Fan Control is real-time temperature monitoring. This allows users to monitor their CPU and GPU temperatures to see if they are throttling down due to excessive heat and avoid damage. Knowing actual temperatures will also help you determine if you need to adjust fan speed or not. 
  • Presets & Automation – less technical users can take advantage of Macs Fan Control’s pre-built fan curves that are intended for silent operation, balanced performance, and heavy workloads. Macs Fan Control also allows users to create custom presets and schedule them to activate based on time or specific events. 

Why Use Macs Fan Control? 

There are many reasons why you would want to change the default fan curve of your Mac using Macs Fan Control. 

Here are some of them: 

  • Gaming – if you game on your Mac, then you might find it throttling down after a few hours of continuous gaming. With Macs Fan Control, you can set your fans to run faster to provide better cooling. You can also use it to make your fans run slower on less demanding games for quieter operation. 
  • Video Editing & Rendering – 3D rendering and video editing puts a lot of load on your CPU and GPU. This can cause your Mac to heat up and potentially throttle down. To avoid this, you can set your fans to run constantly at a higher RPM to cool down your Mac. 
  • Day-to-Day Usage – if you are not a power user and are annoyed when the fans on your Mac ramp up, you can set a custom preset on Macs Fan Control to keep the fans at a minimal level for quieter operation. 
  • Bring Life to Old Macs – older Macs may have degraded cooling systems which may not perform as efficiently. With Macs Fan Control you can adjust fan curves to run faster on idle and load to compensate for reduced efficiency. 

Safety Reminders

Remember, those fans in your Mac aren’t just there to make noise. They’re crucial for keeping your Mac cool and preventing damage. If you set your fan speeds too low for extended periods, especially during heavy workloads, it could overheat.

While your Mac’s CPU and GPU should slow down automatically if they get too hot, it’s still important to keep your fan settings reasonable. 

Don’t just focus on the quietest operation. Find a balance between quiet operation and keeping your Mac running smoothly.

Final Thoughts

Macs Fan Control is a great tool for users who want to take full control of their Mac’s cooling system. The utility tool is easy to use, packed with features, and can really make a difference in how your Mac performs and sounds. Whether you’re a gamer, content creator, or someone who wants their Mac to run quieter, Macs Fan Control provides all the tools you need to fine-tune fan curves to your liking. 


  • Allows you to set your fans slower for quieter operation
  • Improved performance during extensive workloads
  • User-friendly interface
  • Efficient fan management and cooling can help prolong the lifespan of your Mac


  • Can put your Mac at risk of overheating if you set the fan curves too low
  • Modifying your fan curves can prompt Apple to deny warranty if they find out
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